Thursday 9 February 2012

Learning Walks Feedback Student Engagement – Jan-Feb 2012

Two Areas of Strength

Teachers used many interesting ways of engaging students with the starter activities often hooking students into the learning immediately. In the same way, teachers often used interesting and entertaining methods to engage and motivate. In one particularly engaging activity students sat back to back with one drawing what the other described.  This lesson then developed into one in which all students were actively and enthusiastically engaged, eager to show what they had learned. 
Another particularly engaging lesson was described as a ‘hive of activity’ in which the students were able to give clear, confident explanations about the effects of packaging on global warming. One of the key strengths in many lessons was the timely intervention of teachers during independent learning, using intervention well to ensure that students remained focused and on task.
The ‘high levels of passion for their subject’ was noted during a visit to MFL with a range of interactive resources used to inspire and motivate.
Questioning was also used to engage: In questioning whole classes, some teachers drew less confident students into discussions by highlighting that they were going to be asked a question next, therefore giving students time to think and prepare for their participation. Full responses were also encouraged, with most students keen to justify their thoughts.

An Area for Development

As we see often, students often learn best from one another and when they can work collaboratively. One of our challenges – and this leads on to the learning walk focus for this week – is to implement more opportunities for students to work actively within different learning scenarios. A further challenge is to monitor the effectiveness of group work to ensure that students are always on task and focused during these times.

As always, thanks to all those who have participated. The current learning walk focus is Active Learning.

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