Wednesday 14 December 2011

Learning Walk 6 - Starters and Plenaries (5.12.11-16.12.11)

In addition to the lively and engaging starters, it was brilliant to see so many excellent examples of plenaries and mini plenaries. It was clear that the idea of reflection and consolidation throughout the lesson is firmly embedded in our lesson planning.

Group and paired work in many lessons helped to consolidate learning with teachers pairing students in creative ways - such as mixing gifted and talented students with lower ability or by similar target levels - so that the students took control of the learning. In one excellent example, students were asked to review one another’s work in relation to KS3 criteria, explain what needed to be done to move on to the next level and then set individual targets for the next piece of work. It was clear in this example that such routines had been in place for some time and students responded well to this reflection activity.

Many thanks again to all those who participated in the Learning Walks. Have a very happy (and restful!) Christmas and New Year. The Learning walk for the 2 weeks beginning in January will be focussed on challenge and pace.


Learning Walk 5 - Behaviour for learning (21.11.11 - 2.12.11)

Areas of strength

Unsurprisingly, a ‘calm purposeful learning environment’ featured in the majority of the lessons visited. As is becoming a regular feature of Cooper School Learning walks, feedback celebrated the high levels of engagement demonstrated by pupils as a direct result of the stimulating teaching and commented particularly on the high levels of independence as students focussed on research, planning, designing and creating, whether individually or in self selected or designated groups.
The great relationship between students and teachers is always strength of learning walks and the excellent use of praise to positively manage behaviour was a regular feature of the lessons seen.