Thursday 10 November 2011

Learning Walk 3 October - November 2011 - AFL

As always, a key attribute of many of the lessons visited was the engagement and enthusiasm of the students as a result of the challenging and stimulating teaching they enjoyed.
In lessons where the learning objectives were specific and focused, this enabled students to competently build on their skills and demonstrate progress.
In one lesson, students were given a variety of images at the beginning of the lesson and asked to predict the main focus of the lesson. They then went on to create their own success criteria based on their target grades and previous learning, thus ensuring that learning was personalised and focused for each student.
In another lesson, a longer piece of extended writing had the first section of the work assessed in detail and students were then asked to review what they had written in the rest of the piece. This meant that –as this formed part of part of a lesson – it was an instant indicator of assessment aiding progress and ensured that students were an integral part of the assessment process.

 Many thanks to all those who participated in the learning walks.
Areas of Strength:

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